Quantum Shamanism - Why Shamanism Works - Beliefnet: http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Pagan-and-Earth-Based/2003/12/Shamanic-Healing-Why-It-Works.aspx
The above-linked article has some very important concepts in it, especially on the second page. It implies quite strongly that multiple observers with a belief in the desired outcome are greater than a single person - the shaman - acting alone. It also speaks to giving before receiving, and why that improves the outcome. In this case, it's payment to the shaman that cements belief in the desired outcome and pushes probability in its favor, but I can also see an insight into whay gratitude is such an enriching practice. You "give" gratitude and therefore "receive" more of what you've given gratitude for.
Additionally, this speaks on why it is necessary to follow the "prescription" given by the shaman healer. The duration of the observation of the desired outcome is prolonged by the act of following the "prescription," which strengthens the probability wave in favor of the desired result.
I strongly suggest that all shamans read this article, and meditate on how to improve their practice through this new understanding.
Blessings be to All,
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