We were at an afternoon/evening party yesterday; a friend's yearly tradition and our first time there.
This was NOT your garden variety party. No alcohol or other mind-altering substances. No loud music, no board games, no sports on TV.
The guests were all spiritual people. Several astrologers, a psychic, a channel, a vegan, a writer/film-maker, a poet. That last one is me, the poet. That part actually came into play in a new way, the poetry. A way that completely surprised me.
The activity for the day was for ALL of us to read cards for each other. Not Tarot cards, though. These were cards with various crystals and the human characteristics they represent.
Each card had the name of a type of crystal, its represented characteristic, and an archetypal spiritual graphic. Each of us drew a card, but didn't look at it. We then took turns passing "our" cards around the circle for the others to give readings on.
After the second card, I had the sudden inspiration to give my readings in the form of a brief poem to match the card I was reading. Another lady was thinking of songs that fit the card. I think that with none of us having ever seen a deck of cards like these before, our creativity and intuition were wide-open.
The card I pulled was getting readings that completely freaked me out. Everyone was saying that they thought I was easily able to integrate the feminine side of my personality. Three said I would see great prosperity through a light and creative way of relating our connectedness to the Earth and everything on it. Three also spoke of Faeries being helpers with this. It was one of the Faery readings that really hit me between the eyes.
It was the song lady, but this reading from her was verbal, not song. She spoke of me working with the Princess of Faeries, and how I would save her. She said that the Faery Princess was sick, but that I would use my unique and creative ways to tell the world about her. She said that because of this, people would believe in her again, and she would get better.
If you read my blog called Spinny's Castle, you will see that this very story is actually occurring in my life, right now.
You can see Spinny's Castle here: http://spinnys.blogspot.com/ . Spinny is my friend of many years, who had been ill, and is missing. In a very unique way, she IS the Princess of Faeries.
I stand humbled and amazed. The Universe has sent me a clear sign of what I need to work on, and put me in contact with people capable of supporting that vision.
I almost forgot to tell you about the energy work I was doing at the party. I was calling down clean, healing white light from the Universe through my ceown chakra and lending the fresh, pure energy to everyone there by sending it through my heart chakra to all of theirs, and also by sending it out through the chakra below my feet to the Earth, which is the grounding connection we all share.
Thank you for reading.
Words are the mind's bridge - its connection to all the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - its connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.
The card I pulled? "Feminine Power" signified by a green Faery princess on a green world giving the brightest of three glowing green eggs from a basket to the viewer of the picture.