Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Growth From The Bottom-Up - The Most Massive Human Mission Ever Attempted Goes Un-Recognized

There is something wonderful stirring in the collective Soul of Humanity - and it is gathering power every day. It is tenuous and nebulous like mist, like a very thin mist nearly invisible, yet it is extremely pervasive, the largest movement in Human history, and yet it is leaderless, free of direct organization. Its form is un-paralelled and unknown in all past Human endeavors - there is no name for it yet. Still, when the mist condenses, it becomes fog, and changes our view of the world. If it condenses further, it becomes rain, and changes our world. In time, rivers flow, oceans form, and the world is alive again. Like a forest of cloud seeds, this Spirit is arising in Humanity, and make no mistake, it will prevail in time.


I stand amazed.


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