Monday, December 21, 2009

Seeds And Seedlings...

For days now, the Universe has been throwing references in my path to seeds and seedlings.

In the movie Avatar, seeds play a role both major and overt, and also major and barely consciously recognized.

In a recent post on Facebook from my niece, a fellow Poet.

In an article in a past issue in Sacred Hoop magazine I just read, seeds regrow all life on Earth after a global blaze burns everything.

In a post on another shamanic blog, seeds are spoken of.

I myself have been throwing seeds from all my potted plants and Halloween gourds, maize, and pumpkins in the vacant lot where a building was torn down in Chicago where weeds and grasses are regrowing in seemingly dead brick dustn blown in as seeds on the wind.

Perhaps we all need to throw seeds behind the tracks of buldozers.

Frank MacEowen speaks of an ancient Celtic symbol, where new branches and leaves grow green from the stump of an ancient Oak that was cut down and thought dead, giving the hope of new Oak seeds to be scattered on the land. (From his book, The Mist-Filled Path)

It seems to me that as a global society, we need to embrace the wisdom of seeds, both literally and metaphorically.

If you see a seemingly dead lot vacated in the urban retraction that mirrors our economic contraction, throw a handful of seeds on it every time you pass by. Any living growth is better than sterile dust blowing out to sea.

Plant mangroves on the fading shores of Fiji and Tuvalu.

If living things are cut down, throw seeds all behind the bulldozers.

Perhaps something living will grow.

Our global culture has a new tree, this Internet. Now the leaves rustling in the winds hear each other, and can cast seeds knowingly.

Knowledge and communication and love are like seeds, who knows where the winds will carry them, or where they might grow?

All they need is common ground. So there it is, speak across the vine of the world. Literally and figuratively, cast seeds at every patch of bare Earth.

Thank you for reading.


Words are the mind's bridge - its connection to all the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - its connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.

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