Saturday, December 12, 2009

Seeing The Matrix...

My wife and I were attending a ceremony at the Spiritualist Church of Truth in Northern Chicago. I think this would have been in 2004 sometime, I don't remember the exact date.

The service itself was beautiful and enjoyable.

At one point, people were being allowed to come up to the Altar, if that's what they call it, for a healing blessing. As they walked up, there were healers on either side of the center aisle, sending cleansing and healing energies through to the people walking up the aisle.

At this point, I did what felt natural - I called healing white light into myself ( crown chakra) from all points in the Universe, and channeled it out through small chakras in the palms of my hands. I sent the white light out through the floor to the healers, sharing it with them, helping them power the healing and banish dark energies before people reached the Altar.

As I was channeling the white light energy to the healers, I had a momentary vision. I saw everything as it was, made of pure white energy, brilliant, a lacework of glowing, gleaming, beautiful pearly-white light with rainbows glinting around the edges of the weave. I could see that everything was made of this white, gorgeous light weave. The floors, the walls, the pews, the ceiling, and even the people. The people were shining most brilliantly of everything nearby. I could feel that this weave went out as far as my mind could comprehend, that the entire Universe is composed of this beautiful energy underneath the surface of what we see.

It was quite amazing - the universe composed of a glowing, gleaming lace of white light.

I wrote of it in a poem in 2007, which you can find here:

A Lace of White Light

As always, thank You for reading and your time. It is precious.

I hope this gives you a sense of the beauty underlying our existence.


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